

I heard a great metaphor today:

Sex is like making cookies. Sure, cookies are great; but it's also fun to mix the ingredients and eat the cookie dough without ever putting it in the oven.

...As long as you take the proper precautions against salmonella.


Late Nights

Dust, that thick perfume of
pine and fiberboard which clogs
my pores, fills my nostrils and
mixes into a paste with my sweat,
now circulates the room at roughly
one hundred thousand parts per million.

Four A.M. is no time for power tools.


Noa Grace David Goes For A Joyride

My friend Biebs was showing me pictures of her niece, Noa. I couldn't pass up this prime Photoshop opportunity.

(See the original image here).

P.S. This was a quick chop, but I think it's looking pretty good. Let me know if there are any details you notice that I can hammer out to make it look better.

I colored out the orange light on the dashboard. Thanks for the catch, Ricky.