
Take That, Flash Freeze

This is in response to Mooney's post from a few days ago. This is the actual footage, with the actual music:

Turns out, it was from a T-Mobile commercial event called Life's For Sharing filmed in Liverpool Street Station, England. It took eight weeks of preparation and rehearsals, including several nights of rehearsing at 2am in the station. It involved 400 people, down from the 10,000 people they auditioned at the outset. Quite frankly, I think this is one of the greatest things ever. To see more, including rehearsal process and crowd reactions, check out the behind the scenes video.


Unknown said...

It's weird when guerilla creativity gets commercialized. I'm not sure what kind of weird, though.

Unknown said...

I think it's the good kind of weird. Live and interactive entertainment is great, and it's awesome that thanks to technology we can share it with people. And that, I think was T-Mobile's point.

So three cheers for (British) T-Mobile. I'm surprised they got the permits for it.

Michael NightTime said...

good find.
we need to do shit like this.