
"Yes We Can"

I still get the emails from MoveOn.org and a large number of their affiliates. When they first began, I was very interested by their primary goal -- to defeat Bush. I walked in step with their progressive beliefs and motivations.

I feel like their methods and goals have shifted over the years, and after all the turmoil with the somewhat disrespectful attack ads they recently sponsored, I've sort of stopped paying attention to them. These days, they're mostly asking for money to run commercials or to pay for major campaign pushes, and quite frankly I'm not going give what little money I have if that's what it will be promoting.

But I do still check out what they have to say -- better to have to much information than too little, right? -- and they recently began to publicly support Barack Obama in the 2008 Presidential campaign. And the latest MoveOn.org email was simply a link to a YouTube video called "Yes We Can - Barack Obama music video".

Now, I don't care who you vote for in the primaries, or in the upcoming presidential elections. I haven't made up my own mind yet, and I'm doing my best to process the information I've been taking in recently. But I do agree with the message of this video. It shows an energy that has been remarkably absent lately. It replaces the overwhelming sense of despair and resignation towards the current administration's disregard of the people with a sense of enthusiasm and hope. Which is, I think, what we need right about now.

Check out the video on YouTube.

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