
Fire Escape

Fire Escape


Ricky said...

Nice. Looks like something out of industrial post-apocalyptic Dickensian London.

Surei said...

That's the sexiest fire escape I've ever seen.

Mooch said...

you obviously haven't been to Luxembourg, Surei. Now THERE are some sexy fire escapes...

margaretmeloan said...

grungy and nuclear... i love it! why is it narrow alleys and fire escapes are so interesting?

Surei said...

Yes well, obviously I need to go there Mooch, as I desperately need more sexy firescapes in my life.

(Why do I keep getting word verifications that look like something a zombie would groan out as the try to rip out your throat? Why can't the keep it simple.. I'd think "blood" or "bunnies" would be enough.)